How to Reset C By Ge, Kasa, Feit, Tuya In 5 Minutes

It’s normal to get frustrated when your smart light bulb starts acting up or isn’t responsive.

When this happens, you have two approaches to deal with it.

One approach, of course, is to ditch your smart light bulb (I don’t recommend this.)

Or go with the practical approach of resetting your smart light bulb. It is the approach that I’ll be using in this post. And I expect you to do the same!

That said, I’ve made this step-by-step guide on “How to reset the smart light bulb.” So you can get your smart light bulb to work again. Whether it’s C By GE reset, Kasa, Tuya, or Feit reset, I’ve covered every smart light bulb, depending on your model. 

That said, I’ll walk you through various smart light bulbs with a step-by-step guide on how to reset them.

How to Reset Smart Light Bulb?

The first thing you need to know is that resetting works differently in various models of smart bulbs.

Generally, most smart light bulbs follow the same reset procedure. You can also find the reset instructions in the device’s user manual.

One thing that holds true is that you’d need to click, click and click!

In other words, you’d need to turn it on and off a bunch of times to reset your smart light bulb. For some models and brands, 3 and 5 times in a row do the job. Others would need a lot of clicks 10-20 times in a row, for example.

Here’s a quick way how to reset a smart light bulb:

Step 1: Switch off the bulb from the wall switch

Step 2: Find the “on/off” button on the smart bulb (if your device features it)

Step 3: Start clicking the on/off button 2-3 times in a row. Or hold down the button for several seconds

Step 4: Constantly pressing the button should activate the bulb. It would start to blink rapidly

Step 5: Finally, after it has been reset (the sign of blinking), set it up in the app and pair it. It should start working!

How to Reset C by GE Smart Bulb?

If you’ve got a C by GE smart bulb, resetting it would be as easy as clicking “on/off” several times in a row.

Here’s how:

Step 1: Unplug from the power source and remove it

Step 2: Plug it back into your lamp or other fixture

Step 3: Turn it on for ten seconds

Step 4: And turn it off for five seconds

Step 5: Keep switching it off and on several times in a row

Step 6: Repeating this process would make your C by GE smart bulb blink

And that’s pretty much how you can reset it.

Remember that you would need to do a lot of flicking if the firmware is older.

How to Reset Kasa Smart Light?

There are two types of reset that you can perform on your TP-Link Kasa smart light bulb.

The first is soft reset, which would take a few seconds

Step 1: Unplug the smart light and plug it back into your lamp

Step 2: Quickly flip the power switch on and off

Step 3: Keep doing it three times

Step 4: And the blinking of light (3 blinks) would indicate that it’s been reset

For a hard reset of your Kasa smart light, repeat the 1-2 steps as above while doing it five times.

And the reset would be done successfully!

How to Reset Monster Smart Led Lights?

The process to reset monster smart led lights is simple like other smart light bulbs.

Step 1: Turn the bulb on and off several times (Preferably, five times)

Step 2: Keep doing this process until it starts to blink

And the smart bulb will reset successfully. You can also try to hard reset through its app.

Step 1: Head over Monster Smart app

Step 2: Click on the smart light device that you want to reset

Step 3: Go to the Settings menu

Step 4: Hit the “Factory Reset” option, and the smart led light would reset

How Can I Reset A Sengled Smart Light?

The popular brand for smart lights – Sengled – follows the same technique of resetting.

Anyhow, prepare your fingers as you are going to perform on and off for several seconds on your wall switch.

That said, here’s a simple step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Quickly turn on and off the smart bulb

Step 2: Repeat this process at least five times

Step 3: This would trigger the smart light to blink rapidly

Step 4: And this flashing of the smart bulb will indicate that it’s now reset

And finally, you’ve done a great job resetting your Sengled smart bulb!

How Do I Reset My Tuya Smart Light?

Ready to reset your Tuya smart light or smart bulb?

Well, just follow this easy step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Unplug your smart bulb for several seconds

Step 2: Replug it back again

Step 3: Find the physical button on the Tuya smart light

Step 4: Long press that button for at least five seconds

Step 5: After this, you’ll see that your smart bulb is blinking

And that’s how you reset it successfully!

How to Reset Feit Smart Light Bulb?

Is Feit’s smart light or a smart bulb not working? Don’t worry, you can reset it and set up the process again. This would clear the malfunction or any other device issues.

Here’s how you can reset Feit smart light:

Step 1: Place your bulb in its light fixture

Step 2: Using the wall switch, turn it on and off for several seconds

Step 3: Make sure you switch it on and off with a one-second gap in between

Step 4: Wait and let the smart light flash rapidly

And finally, you’ve reset your Feit smart light.

Still, Struggling to Reset Smart Lights? Try These Tips

Sometimes, you can’t seem to get the reset to work, even after following the reset procedure.

But that doesn’t mean the device is faulty.

Having said that, try these tips if the smart lights aren’t resetting.

Tip 1: Make sure you turn it on and off with 1 second of a gap in between

Tip 2: After switching it off, wait for ten seconds before you do the on/off procedure

Tip 3: Make sure the smart light that you want to reset is removed from the apps

Tip 4: Try to manually turn off the router for several seconds

Tip 5: If the smart bulbs are ZigBee-enabled, try switching them on for 10 seconds

Tip 6: Make sure you clear the cache in the app

When trying to reset your smart light bulb, these tips can be useful. So take advantage of these tips while you get the smart light to reset.


Whether you’ve moved places, changed your Wi-Fi password, or the device is unresponsive, it’s best to reset the smart light bulb. Doing so would help you to set everything up again. Though you’d need to do a lot of flicking, you’ll be able to set your smart light back up.

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